In-person and online appointments are available for the Spring semester in the following schedules:
- English 103/104 Writing Help (only for students enrolled in English 103 and 104)
- Undergraduate Writing Help
- Graduate Student Writing Help
- ESL Writing Help (only for students whose first or strongest language is other than English)
- Veterans Writing Help (only for veteran or active military service students)
- Application Materials Help
- UTK Nursing Graduate Programs (only for UTK graduate students in the College of Nursing; click here for more information about appointments)
- Undergraduate Engineering Writing Help (walk-in appointments in Zeanah Engineering Building Room 319 on Fridays 10-12:30; no advance appointment needed)
To make an appointment (Instructions also viewable on this page.)
- First-time users of WCOnline must register for a free account.
- Log in and select the appropriate schedule.
- Change the week as desired. Appointments may be made up to 7 days in advance and up to 1 minute before the start time.
- Choose the time and the type of meeting that you prefer. Available times are shown in white boxes. Adjust the appointment length. Use the "Waiting List" if desired.
In-person appointment: Choose any tutor listed as "In person & Online" and select "Schedule In Person Appointment." Note the location--there are several different places.
Online appointment: Either choose a tutor listed as "Online Only" or choose a tutor listed as "In person & Online" and select "Schedule Online appointment"
Email appointment (Undergraduate Writing Help and English 103 Writing Help schedules only): Choose any tutor listed as "Feedback via Email." Note: You must attach a document before the appointment start time.
- Attach a document. (Required for email appointments; optional for others.)
- Click “Create Appointment.”
- Mark the appointment in your calendar/planner, including the type of appointment, the time, and the location if it's an in-person appointment.
- Read the confirmation and reminder emails you receive. They include information about how to attend your appointment.
When it’s time for your appointment (Eastern time):
If you're not sure whether your appointment is in person or online, open your appointment box and click "Edit Appointment": you will see which box is checked.
In-person appointments:
- Do not attend an in-person appointment if you're ill in any way, even if symptoms are mild, or are self-isolating or quarantining. Cancel OR switch to an online appointment. (Appointments listed as "In Person & Online" may be switched to online before the start time; open your appointment, click Edit Appointment, and switch to Online.)
- Double-check the appointment for the location: the tutor's name will identify the place. Or, click "Edit Appointment," and you will see the location.
- Check in a few minutes before your appointment time. You may have to wait until the tutor finishes an appointment.
- Bring a print copy of your document or a device that allows you to send your document digitally to the tutor. We do not handle others’ equipment.
Online appointments:
- A few minutes before your appointment, log in at, open the schedule, click on your appointment slot, and click "Start or Join Online Consultation."
- If you're having trouble joining, look for an email from your tutor --sent in the first 5 minutes if the student isn't online. Or, email
Email appointments:
- Before the start time, you MUST attach your document. (If you don't, there's nothing for us to respond to, and it will be marked as "Missed.")
- If you attached your document in advance, you'll receive feedback about 30 minutes after the appointment start time.
Cancel in advance if you cannot make it
Kindly cancel in advance if you cannot make it to your in-person or online appointment or cannot attach a document in advance of your email appointment start time. Not showing up prevents other students from getting help at a time you booked but didn’t use. Log in at, click on your appointment box, and click “Cancel Appointment.”
Students who miss more than 3 appointments without canceling ahead of time will not be able to make further appointments.
Our website includes resources for writing in various disciplines, application materials, and citation help.
Visit our home page for links to other resources.
Questions? Contact